Supports For Start-up Businesses


For Kildare based  businesses trading for more than a year, you can avail of the Kildare Local Enterprise Office's Online Trading Vouchers Scheme to help you set up an eCommerce Website and start taking payments online.

The grant can pay 50% (ex VAT) of the cost, up to  maximum of €2,500 to develop your site.

Pay As You Go Websites have built numerous sites for Kildare businesses availing of the Online Trading Voucher Scheme and we are happy to guide you through the process if you choose to work with us.


Trading Online Voucher

What the vouchers CAN be used for

  • IT consultation
  • Development or upgrade of an e-commerce website
  • Implementing Online payments or booking systems
  • Purchase of internet-related software
  • Purchase of online advertising (this purchase cannot make up any more than 30% of approved Voucher costs and can only be drawn down in one payment phase)
  • Developing an app (or multiplatform webpages)
  • Implementing a digital marketing strategy i.e. Social media marketing
  • Consultation with ICT experts for early stage adopters of online strategy
  • Training/skills development specifically to establish and manage an online trading activity
Start Your Own Business


The Back to Work Enterprise Allowance (BTWEA) scheme and the Short Term Enterprise Allowance (STEA), payments made by the Department of Social Protection (DSP), assist people getting certain social welfare payments to become self-employed.

If you avail of these you may be entitled to apply for a grant called the Employment Support Grant (ESG) which may be availed of for Website registration, related services and production

The grant can cover 80% of website costs, up to a maximum of €500.

Pay As You Go Websites have built numerous sites for people availing of the ESG and we are happy to guide you through the process if you choose to work with us.